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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  September 5, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tonight on this special edition of "world news" from the democratic convention in charlotte. and this evening here, the big change, why the president is suddenly moving his feet and why both campaigns are spinning this tonight. also tonight, bill clinton. center stage, what we've learned about what he'll say. and michelle obama, the speech, was she taking aim. and what's happening now with that dress. and tonight abc's weather editor sam champion with more extreme weather on the way. the moments after strapping a bomb on to help her. and the price is right. if you've ever bought something on line, the new report says if you wait just one minute before
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you place the order, you could save up to $100. and good evening, from charlotte tonight. a big night ahead at the democratic national convention. and we should note that diane has just arrived back from mississippi. she was there today with our friend robin roberts for robin's mother's funeral. all of our hearts in mississippi we do begin with the major headlines in charlotte tonight. in fact, look at this, the stage where president obama was to give his big speech outdoors tomorrow night, being taken apart tonight. the speech is now being moved here to a smaller arena indoors, the campaign says the possibility of storms and lightning forcing the move. the romney camp jumping in on their own take on that. president obama has touched down in charlotte just as former
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president bill clinton prepares to take the stage here this evening. and tonight, so many here at the arena still talking about michelle obama, the speech, the message and apparently the dress. abc's white house correspondent jake tapper starting us off on the convention floor with the countdown to bill inton. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, there is a lot of drama about what bill clinton will say tonight and where president obama will speak tomorrow night. >> reporter: president obama arrived in charlotte this afternoon while crews were dismantling the original location for the speech he's giving tomorrow night, the outdoor 73,000 seat bank of america stadium. with forecasts predicting a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow, the obama campaign canceled the outdoor venue. the president will instead speak here at the time warner cable arena, less than a third the size. the campaign dismissed jibes
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from the romney campaign that what they were really worried about is voter enthusiasm. were you really going to be able to fill all those seats? >> absolutely. the fear is it is not just the rain, if there is lightning, people can get hurt. >> reporter: whatever the reason, they are leaving behind tens of thousands of disappointed supporters. >> i'm just incredibly bummed. i mean, i've been looking forward to this for a really long time. >> reporter: that disappointment is in contrast to the elation delegates felt after first lady michelle obama revved up the crowd last night. >> barack knows what it means when a family struggles. barack knows the american dream because he's lived it. >> reporter: tonight's big speech will be given by a former nemesis of the president's, former president bill clinton. both during the 2008 democratic primaries when obama vanquished hillary clinton. >> this whole thing is the biggest fairytale i've ever seen. >> reporter: and since then, theirs has been a complicated relationship. but president obama is relying on clinton to validate his economic principles.
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david maraniss of the "washington post' has written biographies of both men. >> events have conspired to bring bill clinton and barack obama to the same place. bill clinton loves to be needed as much as he needs to be loved and he's really needed by barack obama right now. >> and, david, because the original plan it was to be in that outdoor venue where they were not going to be able to drop balloons for obvious reasons, there will not be balloons tomorrow night, after the president accepts his party's nomination for re-election, unlike what you normally see at such an event. as we saw last week when mitt romney accepted his party's nomination. so, david, i know you're a big fan of balloons. no balloons tomorrow, sorry. >> jake tapper leading us off, we'll have to settle for the confetti cannons instead. last night, it was not the confetti but the "i love michelle" signs in the air. and apparently somewhere place else, twitter.
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28,000 per minute for the first lady in fact. and apparently, it wasn't just her speech, it was also her dress. and so we're going to turn down to the convention floor and abc's cecilia vega who is also right here in charlotte tonight, s cecilia. >> yeah, david good evening. there were not so certain jabs sent out by the first lady last night. every single one of though, the crowd went wild. >> at the end of the day, my most important title is still mom in chief. >> reporter: she may be all wife and all mother, but for every first lady like smile there was a political punch delivered. >> for barack, success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives. >> reporter: she never even mentioned her husband's wealthy opponent by name, not once.
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but she did pepper her speech with not so subtle jabs about the rich getting richer while leaving the poor behind. >> how hard you work matters more than how much you make when you've worked hard and done well and walked through that door of opportunity. you do not slam it shut behind you. no, you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you to succeed. >> reporter: what was she really trying to say? >> it was well done how she never said the name mitt romney, but the concept could not have been more. barack and michelle obama's wife and mitt and ann romney's life. >> reporter: the other, the outfit. mrs. obama's j. crew by designer trace rece, when it hits stores
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it will cost less than $500. the designer said she's been jammed with requests. and the first lady met with supporters today, she said she was a little tired after that long night, she said she felt like that speech, david, set the stage for what's at stake in this election. >> a little bit tired but pleased how it went. cecilia, our thanks to you. by the way, diane will be sitting down. with the first lady tomorrow just hours before the president takes the stage. right here on "world news." and another big name at the democratic convention. caroline kennedy. she told me today this is the first convention in which she won't introduce the late edward kennedy, uncle teddy. four years ago, she said he inspired her the way he inspired americans. today. that inspiration that hope has faded. >> we did some research, and could it be true this is the first convention since 1944 where there wasn't an elected
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kennedy in the building? >> it's possible but i think there will be one pretty soon. my cousin gerald. and he's terrific. >> give it a break? >> give it a break. >> reporter: caroline kennedy talking about her cousin joe running in massachusetts. out it was her late uncle ted who we talked about, too. >> you are uncle ted kennedy used booming words. you wrote, i have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me my father inspired them. do you still feel as inspired? >> i absolutely do. one of the interesting things i saw on the campaign trail this year were so many people who had voted for my father in 1960 for the first time were out there again this year. and talking about president obama. and just as committed as ever. >> we remember the image of you and oprah on the stage four
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years ago. i'm curious, four years later, have you checked in with her? >> no, i was wondering if i might run into her again. >> see her, talk to her. >> see her, talk to her. >> do you miss some of that sizzle of four years ago? >> oh, no. i think this is a great campaign. that was an incredible moment in our national history. >> is it a different time, a more sober time? >> i think it is. i think it is. >> reporter: she says for everyone it is the economy. but she argues the president is adding jobs. she points to gay marriage and to the health care her uncle championed. >> the first time you won't be introducing your uncle teddy. >> right. >> is that tough for you? >> well, i miss him. and i think the video last night shows that many other people feel the same way. >> reporter: here at the convention, a tribute to ted kennedy with clips of him debating mitt romney who challenged kennedy in '84. >> i believe abortion should be safe and legal.
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>> i supported roe v. wade, my opponent is multiple choice. >> are you still thinking your uncle teddy is with the campaign? >> just how it's again and again. >> reporter: the talk of the fading obama posts of four years ago, you're not worried about the enthusiasm gap? >> i'm not worried about an enthusiasm gap. certainly not in my house. >> how did the first lady do last night? >> oh, my god, she was unbelievable, fantastic. and i'm getting to that shortly. >> the speech is written. >> can you give us a preview? >> it will be something, you know new and different. >> and hopefully profound. >> yeah, we'll see. >> our exclusive interview with caroline kennedy earlier today. i did ask caroline if she's ruled out a political future for herself, she said she simply
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doesn't know. she speaks tomorrow night although she added she hasn't practiced her speech yet. the big speech tonight, bill clinton once helping his wife hillary clinton to compete against barack obama. let's bring in abc's political correspondent jon karl, jon, you and i were talking all afternoon. have they seen the script? >> oh, yeah, they've seen it. they make it very clear this is bill clinton's speech. clinton did talk with top personnel as the speech came together. they have seen it, they like what he has to say, they expect a good speech. remember, bill clinton intends to make changes right up to the last minute on the big speeches. >> what about the relationship between these two, jon. some have called them frenemies. and now the two of them on the same stage often? >> yeah, it was a brutal campaign. and if you talked to friends of the clintons, they will say it
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took bill clinton a lot longer to get over it than it took hillary clinton. but what both sides will tell you, he's now 100% on board. he's already cut ads for them, they expect it a very strong no question about it endorsement, big speech tonight. that's why they've given him one of thele few prime time spots they have. >> abc's jon karl right here in the rein with us. our thanks to you. diane and george and the political team will be here at 10:00 p.m. eastern for the convention coverage in prime time. we will see you then. we move on to a gathering storm, this one named leslie, upgraded to a hurricane. bermuda in its sights. it could arrive over the weekend, not expected to strike the u.s. attacking winds of 100 pers hour. but as leslie builds it could pack winds up to 110 miles an hour. it's been a week since isaac
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made landfall in the gulf. splitting in two, part of it headed south again. in fact, some of the remnants from the storm have now made their way back threatening to become a new tropical storm and the other parts of isaac causing something else tonight. tornados in an unlikely place. here's abc's weatheret tour sam champion. >> reporter: remnants of hurricane isaac are still dumping torrents of rain -- nine inches in just the past 24 hours in new jersey. and spawning twisters -- this is cell phone video of a funnel cloud forming in cherry hill, new jersey. isaac has been a tornado maker since its landfall. this one in gulfport, mississippi. and has left a trail of twisters for dars as far north as arkansas, missouri and illinois. but even with all of isaac's action, it's been a surprisingly light summer for tornadoes. the national severe storms laboratory in norman, oklahoma now saying it's the quietest year since the 1950s. and this summer's crippling dome of heat and drought are the reason.
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no rain means no storms, creating fewer tornadoes. that's why isaac, with its 47 tornados in nine states is so remarkable. david. >> sam champion tonight, i know you'll have much more on "good morning america" first thing in the morning. sam, thanks. now, with football season here, a troubling now report tonight, we've long heard about the link between football, alzheimer's, lou gehrig's disease. here's chris cuomo. >> reporter: it is a sport derived from warfare, that is all about violence. espn sports science says these crushing blows can be the force equivalent of a sledge hammer blow to the head. one study found the average player takes 900 to 1,500 head shots a season. we all know what happens out here on the football field. the pass is thrown, the player makes the catch, there are a couple of quick moves and then an explosive collision that makes the crowd go wild.
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but what we're learning about what happens to these players once they leave this field may be even more shocking. today's study finds football players suffer a higher risk of death from brain-related diseases. >> there is a possibility that they might be at risk for develops degeneration later in life. >> reporter: the rate of death varied dramatically by player's position. quarterbacks and running backs, who play at higher speeds, were three times more likely to die from a disease from damage to the brain than less dynamic players such as linemen. the nfl announced today it is donating $30 million to fund research into brain injuries and other medical issues. but for all the research, the most pressing questions for families sending kids out on the field this fall is one without an answer, how can players be protected from the violence that is central to the game they
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play? chris cuomo, abc news, new york. >> chris, out thanks to you tonight. and still ahead here on "world news" from charlotte, a terrifying bank heist. robbers striking what they said it was a bomb to his bank manager. she'd been forced to help pull the heist off. ally bank. why they're always there to talk. i love you, james. don't you love me? i'm a robot. i know. i know you're a robot! but there's more in you than just circuits and wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what a person can. that's why ally has knowledgeable people there for you, night and day. ally bank. your money needs an ally. why let constipation stry miralax.?
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it reads like a scene out of a hollywood heist, but it played out in real life in los angeles today, two men in ski mask, armed and dangerous, they kidnap the bank manager and strap what the woman is told a bomb to her waist. here's abc's nick watt. >> reporter: east long, 9:30, this man walks into a bank and tells the bank that she has a bomb strauped to her. >> she was told it was explosive and she was ordered to go into the bank, take out all the money. >> reporter: she told police, the robbers kidnapped her last night and force herd to play that terrifying participate in that audacious heist. that is the bank manager's car being taken away for further investigation. the bank manager herself is being questioned by the fbi. the bomb squad managed to remove the device from the bank manager. they detonated it. still unclearar whether that
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device was genuine or fake. s there echoes of that fatal robbery in pennsylvania in 2003 when a pizza delivery guy walked into eye a bank with a pipe bomb strapped to his neck. the bomb later exploded killing him, unclear whether he was in on that plot. this morning, the bank manager said she feared for her life and just did exactly as she was told. >> she took the money out of the bank and threw it out the door to the bank robbers. >> reporter: two bank robbers who never set foot inside the building, escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> nick, our thanks to you tonight. and when we come back, we've all shopped online, if you wait just one minute before you click "buy" you can actually save $100. the big secret revealed next. questions?
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my friend is back with word on our other friend tonight. >> and as we all know here at abc news, david, good to see you. it means so much that everyone at home is sending robin support and prayers. and today was a wonderful celebration of a luminous woman, and a luminous life, too. and we're back and ready for life. >> we have word of what bill clinton might be saying. >> that's right. we know for sure she's going to talk about the middle class and that barack obama has not finished cleaning up what he was handed yet. by the way, he comes in with astounding poll numbers. talk about riding a wave pfr the former president comes in with 64% of men favorable rating. 68% of independents and 63% of those. >> and michelle obama last night, bill clinton tonight,
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it's going to be a tough act to follow for president obama tomorrow night. diane and george lead the prime time coverage at 10:00 p.m. eastern. the entire powerhouse political team right here for you at throughout the night. for diane and robin down in mississippi and all of us, good night.
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